Summer Internship 2024 Report



(*English follows Japanese.)

UWC ISAK Japanの後輩からエキサイティングなインターンシップの機会についてのメッセージが届いたことから始まりました。市場でトップのカスタマーデータプラットフォーム(CDP)企業の一つで1週間働く機会は見逃せませんでした。面接が成功し、トレジャーデータのオフィスに足を踏み入れ、素晴らしい1週間の準備が整いました。

1日目: 温かい歓迎



2日目: 問題解決とインタビュー





 3日目: タウンホール!




4日目: 改良



5日目: プレゼンテーション!





My Week at Treasure Data

It all started with a message from my junior at UWC ISAK Japan about an exciting internship opportunity. The chance to work for a week at one of the top Customer Data Platform (CDP) firms on the market was too good to pass up. After a successful interview, I found myself stepping into the Treasure Data office, ready for an incredible week.

Day 1: A Warm Welcome

My first day began with a warm welcome from Mio-san, Machiko-san, and Sayako-san from the EX team. They introduced me to Treasure Data’s culture, values, and the projects lined up for me. Instantly hooked, I looked forward to the week ahead.

After lunch, I began a technical session with my supervisor, Toru-san. We delved into the world of Generative AI and Prompt Engineering. I was amazed at how Treasure Data was already including AI in their products. I ended the day by creating LLM agents, writing system prompts that would set the foundation for my tasks ahead.

Day 2: Problem-Solving and Interviews

The second day started with a session on problem-solving frameworks. A key takeaway was the importance of guiding conversations to identify the real problem rather than focusing on compromised solutions. This skill proved invaluable during interviews with the EX (Human Resources) and Marketing teams later in the day.

The EX team faced challenges in analyzing large datasets from multiple sources related to office space usage. The Marketing team struggled with the time-consuming task of creating personalized email newsletters. With my fresh problem-solving techniques, I set out to address these issues.

For the EX team, I drafted a system prompt for a data analysis tool, integrating data from various sources into a single database. This allowed the LLM to generate meaningful graphs and insights from the extensive data. 

The Marketing team’s issue was more complex. They needed an LLM to generate personalized newsletters using their existing tools and templates. I started drafting a system prompt that could meet these requirements.

Day 3: Town Hall!

The third day was unique, beginning with a company-wide Town Hall where CEO Kaz-san shared the company’s progress and future outlook. It was inspiring to see the entire company gather and engage in a Q&A session with the CEO.

During lunch, I had the chance to discuss my work on LLM agents with colleagues from different teams. In the afternoon, I attended a session on Japanese business manners, followed by career interviews with several engineers(Thanks Chris, Mark, Tyler and Marie! I had a great time talking to you all!). These interactions provided me with critical insights into the engineering field.

I continued refining the LLM agent for the Marketing team, making significant progress by the end of the day.

Day 4: Refinement~

The fourth day was dedicated to refining the LLM agent based on feedback from the Marketing team. This iterative process involved multiple back-and-forths, allowing me to work closely with the team and understand their needs better.

By the end of the day, we finalized a template that the LLM agent could generate accurately. I then began documenting the use cases, setbacks, and potential areas for improvement. I learned that effective communication of your work is just as important as the work itself. Collaboration and bringing out the best in everyone is key to success in a company.

Day 5: Presentations!

On the final day, I had the incredible opportunity to present my work to CEO Kaz-san. This experience was beyond anything I had imagined. Following the presentation, Toru-san and the team treated me to a celebratory lunch.

The afternoon was spent wrapping up and presenting my work to Hiro-san, where I shared the week’s achievements and insights. I learned invaluable lessons about presenting and communicating my work effectively.


My week at Treasure Data was an unforgettable experience. I gained deep insights into AI, problem-solving, and effective communication. More importantly, I experienced the collaborative culture of Treasure Data, where the focus is on succeeding collectively. I am immensely grateful for this opportunity and look forward to applying these lessons in the future.

